Donetsk National Technical University

Master’s portal
                   Harlashkina Elena Konstantinovna
Õàðëàøêèíà Å. Ê. Faculty: Computer engineering and information science

Department: Applied mathematics and information

Speciality:Economical cybernetics

Group: EKI-00 à

Master's thesis theme: "Modeling of decision procedure in administration of socio-economic system"

Scientific adviser: candidate of engineering scences, senior lecturer, Dmitrieva Olga Anatolievna

Author's abstract Electronic library References Report on search Individual task


I was born in Donetsk on October 15th, 1983. When I was 1.5 years old I began to visit the kindergarten. Since my childhood I have concerned myself with music. It was interesting for me to listen the music, piano playing and singing. I used to play piano by myself and children were surrounding me listening how I did it.

School years

As far as I had a talent for music and dancing, I entered to three schools at one time. In 1990 I joined at school ¹ 70, music school ¹ 2 and choreographic school. It was pleasure for me to play piano and dance. In the third form I began to study English. I hadn't much free time. That is why I got used to intensive time-table. Nevertheless I liked it. I communicated with a lot of people, comprehensively developed. I got used to hard work and this quality helps me until now.

In the middle forms school program became more and more intensive that is why I had to make a choice between choreography and music. Choreography demanded a lot of time, so I left the ballet. I graduated the music school with honors in 1998. My English studies were keep going. The exact sciences were the most interesting for me, so I decided to study at the mathematical class. There I had supreme mathematical teaching, also other disciplines were at the high level. The most interesting for me was mathematics, that is why I devoted a lot of time for this. I used to take a part in different olympiads.

In 2000 I graduated from the school with the golden medal.


I like playing piano, catching the songs of popular artists, performing classical music, composing. I like reading. Nothing can interrupt me while I am reading a new book. I am keen on reading books of different styles: classics, novels of foreign authors, science fiction.

University and specialty selection

The interest in mathematics and programming was the key criteria of the high school selection. For decades Donetsk National Technical University was famous for his strong and practice grounding of students. That is the reason for me to enter this university. Taking into account my interest in computer since I selected computer engineering and informatics department. Mathematical and programming solutions of economical problems are the main features that attract me in the speciality “Economical cybernetics”.

Thanks to my strong mathematical training I solved the tasks at the interview with no difficulty and as a result entered the speciality “Economical cybernetics”.

Studying process

It was pleasure for me to study at the university from the first day. During the years of education all exams have been passing excellent. I realized that it is not a hard thing to have excellent marks. The secret is very simple – do everything in time. Good relationships in the group and mutual aid also help in studying.

After the first year I have been proceeding with studying English. It helps me when I am facing with english documentation, literature, software, TV programs. For example, during my practice in First Ukrainian International Bank in 2003 I had to work with english documentation only. From the second year I have been studying English at advanced level. As a result in 2002 I have got the certificate of Intermediate level and in 2004 - the certificate of Upper-Intermediate level. Besides, I understood that it is not enough to know only one foreign language. That is why I began to study German from the third year of education.

Received knowledge and skills

During the first years I had got basic economical attainments: economical theory (political economy, microeconomics, macroeconomics), economy of enterprise, economical analysis, investment management. I programmed using object-oriented languages as Visual Basic, Delphi. I worked with databases in Access.

Later I have got skills to solve the economical tasks with the help of mathematical apparatus, different software and programming. I use the Mathcad in case of hard mathematical calculations. I have learned to analyse data using apparatus of mathematical statistics and methods of prognostication with the help of Statistica software. In order to advance my skills in accounting I explored the 1-C Accounting software. I have got skills to solve practice economical tasks, to build economical models and to find the optimal solutions with the help of What’s best in courses of “Operations research methods” and “Decision making methods”. I studied such actual subjects as management, marketing and advertisement. The practical use of this skills was realized in working up of the advertising campaign and creating commercial video by tools of 3Ds max software.

Modelling is the main feature of the speciality “Economical cybernetics”. I learned the methods of modelling in such courses as “Languages and systems of simulations”, “Modelling of economics”, “Simulation technique”, “Mathematical models”. There I used the MatLab software (Simulink), language of simulation GPSS, Nevod system for modelling Petry’s nets, GURU software for creating of expert systems. I got to know Internet technologies, got skills of creating web sites, scripts, with the help of different languages, such as PHP, JavaScript.

Also I have got an experience of working in MS Project (project managing), PowerSim (different processes modelling), have learned UML (Rational Rose) and developed distributed systems in Delphi. I suppose, that the knowledge I have got will help me in my future work. Nevertheless, there are a lot of things ahead that should be learned and explored. I am sure, that the main thing is to be interested in getting new knowledge and skills.

Entering the magistracy and scientific effort

In 2004 I got bachelor's degree diploma with honour in the field of economics and business undertakings. I had no doubt about entering in magistracy. It was interesting for me to get knowledge, do different researches, take a part in scientific conferences and enter to post-graduate course. On the second year of studying I took a part in scientific works contest on philosophy and macroeconomic. On the third and the fourth years I took a part in Ukrainian olympiads on management in production sphere. On the fourth year I took the first place on the Ukrainian student conference “Actual problems of management in contemporary conditions”. There I had a report about “Automatic technologies of manager’s decision forming by the example of developed expert support system about advisability of enterprise crediting”. On the third and fourth years I took part in students annual meeting with rector of DonNTU. There were discussed different questions and problems related to the university, also students wishes were took into account. My scientific activity was appreciated, and during the last three years I were getting grunt of Donetsk State administration.

In magistracy I took a part in Fifth Ukrainian student scientific conference “The problems of informational systems and technologies implementation in economics and business”, that took place in Kiev national economical university. There I had a report about “An interactive expert support system in enterprise crediting”. I was granted by diploma as the best reporter. Also I took a part in scientific works contest, that took place in DonNTU. There I presented two researches on following themes: “The activity analysis of “Agrotorg-3” Ltd with the help of using methods of mathematical modelling” and “An interactive expert support system in enterprise crediting”. Both researches win the first place. Later I took a part in scientific-practical conference “Models and informational technologies in social, economic, technical and ecological systems management”. This conference took place in East-Ukrainian national university, named by V. Dal in Lugansk. The theme of my research was: “Mathematical methods of enterprise financial condition evaluation”. In this university also is in printing the article “Searching methods of effective solutions of economical problems”. This article was written coupled with my scientific adviser Dmitrieva O.A. Also I had report on Science Day, which was held in DonNTU. At last, I took part in Regional student scientific technical conference “Computer monitoring and informational technologies”, which took place in DonNTU. There I had presented a report “Using methods of pattern recognition for solving tasks of enterprise crediting”. I was granted by diploma as the best reporter.

I am intended to keep going in my scientific activity.

The master’s thesis theme

Master's thesis theme: "Modeling of decision procedure in administration of socio-economic system". The goal of this research is developing expert support system for the credit department of the bank. System will analyze financial condition of the enterprise, and will make a decision about advisability of crediting taking into account specific conditions of crediting. Creating of such a system is actual in increasing of bank’s crediting department effectiveness. The developing system has a lot of advances: it allows to make quick express analysis of enterprise-borrower; it helps to make more suspended decisions, taking into account different recommendations, given by the system; it will save time of calculation financial indices; it allows to get more precise analysis because of developed economico-mathematical model.

Principally new mathematical model of financial condition of enterprise evaluation will be developed. This model will be based upon the theory of pattern recognition. The necessity of creating such a new methodic is connected with the fact, that there is no effective methodic, that could supply all-round analysis and financial condition of enterprise evaluation.

The future of the specialty of “Economical cybernetics”

I think, that the specialty of “Economical cybernetics” is very perspective. This specialty gives an opportunity to integrate economical sciences, mathematical methods of analysis and computer technologies. Developing and achievement of mathematical models for solving economical problems gives high effectiveness. That is why specialists, who could orient in some adjacent spheres of knowledge, have a possibility to view a panorama of problem as a whole, so they can find new ways of solving. Such type of specialist is very valuable.

An economical processes modelling is an actual scientific direction, which allows solving economical problems more effectively. An applied character of the speciality allows graduating specialists, who can use their knowledge on practise more effectively.

In the future I see the following developing of this speciality: new economical problems will appear, their appearance will be related with changing of economical reality and needs, the new ways of effective solving of economical problems will be find (perspective models and methods), at the same time new computer technologies and software will be used.

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I wish to use my knowledge in practice and became a good specialist in selected sphere of activity. I desire to have a creative, interesting and fascinating work, where I could get a lot of new knowledge and contact with interesting and advised people. I think, that good labour collective is an important factor of productive and effective work. I think that the tenderness and mutual aid, kindness in collective should make a good atmosphere for work. Also I think, that people who want to get a success in their life should have interest to their work, be zealous and aspiration for getting new knowledge and achievements. I really hope, that my future work will give me possibility to develop myself comprehensively. Also I look forward to, that my job will create a qualitative contribution in common cause, wherever I work

Author's abstract Electronic library References Report on search Individual task