Model of Moore finite state machine (FSM) [1] is often used during the
digital control systems realization [2, 3]. The microelectronic development has led to ap-pearance of different programmable
logic devices [4, 5], one of which are CPLD (complex programmable logic devices) [6, 7, 9, 10]. The base of CPLD is macrocell PAL
(programmable array logic), are connected by the programmable arrays of in-terconnections. One of the important problems of
FSM synthesis on CPLD is a minimization of macrocells’ number of its logical circuit. One of the ways to solve this problem
is optimal states’ coding [8]. However this approach does not allow optimization of the output signals generation circuit.
In this work an optimization method is proposed. It is based on representation of the next state code as a con-catenation
of codes for class of pseudoequivalent states and collection of microop-erations. Such an approach allows reducing of
hardware amount in FSM circuits and does not lead to speed loss.
The aim of research is an optimization of Moore FSM by the non-standard
representation of the states’ codes.
The task of research is developing of the method for Moore FSM synthesis to reduce
the number of PAL cells in automata scheme. A control algorithm is represented as a graph-scheme of algorithm (GSA)
Let Moore FSM be represented by the direct structure table (DST) with
col-umns [1]: am, K(am), as, K(as), Xh, Фh, h.
Here am is an initial state of FSM; K(am) is a code of state
of capacity
, to code the states the internal variables from set
as, K(as) are a state of transition and its code spectively; Xh is an input, which
determines the transition m,as>, and equal to conjunction of some elements (or their negations)
of a logic conditions set
; Фh is a set of input memory functions for flip-flops of FSM
memory, is set for memory switching from К(am) to К(as),
; h=1,…,Н is a
number of transition. In column am, a set of microoperations Yqis written, which is generated in state
, where
This table is a basis to form the system of functions
are determined FSM logic circuit. Systems (1)-(2) are describe the structural circuit of Moore U1- FSM, is shown
on fig.1. In this structure memory excitation function circuit (MFC) realizes the system (1), flip-flop RG saves states’
codes, microoperation circuit (MOC) realizes the system (2). To minimize the amount of marcocells PAL in MFC an optimal
states’ coding method can be used [8]. It allows to decrease the amount of terms in system (1) up to Н0.
Here Н0 – number of transitions of equivalent Mealy FSM. MOC optimization can be done by the use of accurate state
coding [10]. Meanwhile the number of macrocells can be decreased up to N, that corresponds to situation, when every function
is realized on single macrocell. For optimal and accurate states’ coding, for example, known
algorithm ESPRESSO [3] can be used. But both methods can’t be implicated at the same time. That is why states’ coding allows
to optimize MFC or MOC.
In this paper a method for reduction of hardware amount in both logic circuit of Moore finite state machine is proposed.
One of Moore FSM features is exist of pseudoequivalent states [8] – states with the same transitions by the effect of the same inputs. Such states correspond to the control algorithm operator nodes [1], outputs of which are connected with an input of the same node.
Let partition of a set А on groups of
pseudoequivalent states. To code groups
with binary codes K(Bi) of capacity
Let initial GCA G includes Q to by to different sets of microoperations (SМО)
To code set Yq with binary code K(Yq) of capacity
Let operator node bt of GCA G is correspond to a state
and let a set of microoperations Yq. Then code of state
can be represented as a
concatenation of codes
Such representation allows to present Moore FSM in model U2 (fig.2).
In automata U2 circuit MFC realizes function (6) and circuit MOC – function (7).
Thus set units are used for coding of classes
, and set units
are used for coding of sets of microoperations.
The offered approach has a number of merits:
It is enough for coding of states FSM U1
The offered method of representation of codes of states of transition is oriented to reduction of number of macrocells PAL in the circuit of the automatic machine of Moore. Such approach allows to reduce number of terms in system of functions of excitation of memory to the value of appropriate parameter of the equivalent automatic machine of Mile. Researches have shown that the offered method always is more effective in comparison with a classical method of implementation FSM of Moore. Thus the number of macrocells decreases to 38%.
Reduction of number of macrocells is not linked to introduction of the additional blocks reducing speed of the circuit. Moreover, reduction of number of macrocells is often accompanied by reduction of number of levels of circuit FSM. Speed FSM and, therefore, digital system as a whole thus raises.
Scientific novelty of the offered method consists in usage of features of the automatic machine of Moore (presence of classes of pseudo-equivalent states) for optimisation of number of macrocells PAL in the automatic machine logic circuit.
The practical significance of a method consists in reduction of square of the chip occupied with combinative circuit FSM that allows to receive circuits which possess smaller cost, than known clones from the literature.
Further directions of operation are linked to research of possibility of application of the offered method for a case of implementation of the control unit in basis FPGA, and also as a part of "systems-on-kristale".