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Master DonNTU Boutiti Aymen
Boutiti Aymen

Faculty: Computer information technologies and automation(CITA)
Specialty: Computer systems of medical and technical diagnostics (CSD)
Theme of master's work: «Models and algorithms of processing a electrogastroenterography signal»
Leader of master's work: senior lecturer Omelchenko Andriy Anatolievich
5.Mathematical statement of a problem.

Logged electrogastroenterography signal is investigated by various methods of mathematical processing, including using linear filtering, spectral analysis, wavelet analysis, etc.

5.1. Spectral analysis

Spectrum Signal decomposition is called a signal on the various systems of orthogonal functions. In this case, the orthogonal system: 1,cos( ω t), sin ( ω t), cos (2ωt), sin (2ωt),…, cos(n ωt), sin (nω t). Here ω:Angular frequency, t : current time.

This decomposition can be performed using the classical discrete Fourier transform (DFT). As a result of the transformation of time domain signal is converted in frequency from the spectral components indicates the amount of harmonics, the current at this frequency.

where S (n) - spectral components in the n-th DFT filter;
N - number of points of DFT;
s (k) - k-th source to run a temporary signal.

Because the signal is a non-shot, his range is not calculated for all studies. Instead, choose a segment length of a continuous signal (10 or 4 minutes), and the method of "sliding window", with a shift in 1 minute see all of the study. The spectrum is calculated with each segment. The choice of such a length of the segment due to the reduction of the various divisions GIT are the bass. Therefore, it is safe to assume that a change in the amplitude of these low-frequency components will be even more low.

In favor of this assumption and said that all the probabilistic characteristics of the signal in the absence of artifacts over time, changing very little. Apparent at first glance, the high unsteadiness signal is actually the result of addition of many harmonics. In addition, the duration of this segment, provides a good resolution of the frequency spectral components, which is very important in the calculation of peripheral computer electrogastroenterogram.

As for the calculation of the first range you want the elapsed time equal to the length of the selected window (10 or 4 minutes), then start all the graphs of spectral analysis of naturally moves on the start of the study on the duration of the selected window.

5.2. Wavelet analysis

ÎOne of the most urgent tasks of digital signal processing - the task of cleaning the signal from noise. A practical signal contains not only useful information, but also traces of some extraneous influences (interference or noise). The model of such a signal can be written as follows: S(t)=f(t)+σe(t),where f (t):a useful signal, e (t):noise, σ:the noise level, s (t):the monitoring signal. In most cases, it can be assumed that the function e (t) describes a model of white (Gaussian) noise, and information about the obstacle in the high-frequency spectrum signal, and useful information - in the low-frequency.

For such a model of noise removal using the wavelet transform is carried out in four stages:

    1. Decomposition of the signal on basis of wavelets.
    2. The choice of noise threshold values for each level of decomposition.
    3. Threshold filtering coefficients of detail.
    4. Reconstruction of the signal.

ÑFrom a statistical point of view, this method is a nonparametric regression model assessed the signal using an orthogonal basis. The technique works best on a smooth signals, ie to signals in the expansion of which only a small amount of detail coefficients is significantly different from zero.

5.3. Linear filtering

Linear digital system described by equations:


where x [n]: input sample, y [n]: output sample, h- pulse characteristic of the system. The transfer function of a linear digital system is determined by the expression


Z:transform input and output signal samples. If you multiply both sides of equality (2.1) and at zn summarize on n, can be obtained from the expression for the transfer function of a linear digital system in the form of

where hl; - pulse characterization systembr
A necessary and sufficient condition for stability of linear digital systems are often written in the form of inequality for the impulse characteristics of

Linear digital system is physically realizable if hl =0 for l <0.
Digital devices that perform the type of transformation (2.1) are called linear digital filters. A linear digital filter is a finite linear digital system, and, in general, described by the equation

where { ai,bi } - coefficients of the filter. Typically, linear digital filters are divided into low-frequency filters, high frequency filters, and band transmits and band-barrier filters, amplitude and phase-corrector filters or comb filters, etc. The first four types of filters are called the main or basic types of filters. The designs of linear digital filters are divided into recursive and no recursive (transversal) filters. The coefficients of transversal filter or a filter with finite impulse characteristic satisfy the conditions: {a0 =1, ai =0 for all i # 0).
Digital filters, which are not transversal, called recursive or filters with infinite impulse characteristic.
The transfer function of a linear digital filter (2.4) has the form


Polynomials facing in the numerator and the denominator of this expression can be represented as the product and to rewrite the transfer function of a linear digital filter (2.4) as follows:


The condition of stability of linear digital filter is usually written in the form of inequality:|αi|<l,i=0,1,...,I ,, the pole digital filter transfer function must lie inside the unit circle radius. Regulation of zeros of the transfer function of {βl}on the stability of the filter is not affected, but the condition |βl |‹1, l=0,1,...,L defines the minimum-phase digital filter. Frequency response of digital filter H (w) corresponds to the transfer function of filter H (z) at , where T - the interval of digitization, w = 2 * 3.14 ...* f - circular frequency. Since the exponential function of imaginary argument, is a periodic function of frequency with period W = 2 * 3.14 ... / T, a frequency response of digital filter H (w) is also a periodic function of frequency with period W.

Calculating the coefficients of the digital filter satisfying the given conditions are known as the design (synthesis) filter, a device or program that performs the conversion of digital signals - the implementation of the filter.
The problem of designing a digital filter as follows: a priori specified module or the square of the modulus of the desired frequency response filter. Find the filter coefficients, the square modulus of the frequency characteristics of which satisfactorily approximates the square of the modulus of the desired frequency response for the given constraints. In particular, such restrictions may include: type of filter, the number of coefficients (order) filter,the error of approximation, etc.

6. Viewing and analysis of signal electrogastroenterography

6.1. Viewing and analysis of the schedule alarm.

The device "Gastroscan-HEV offers the opportunity to analyze the signal captured by various methods, including by means of linear filtering and spectral analysis, which are the basic operations of digital signal processing and have found wide application in medicine. You can view the schedule captured signal in the time domain. Below is a sample schedule of the signal.

Example schedule electrogastroenterography signal
Figure 5. Example schedule electrogastroenterography signal

You can view and analyze the signals that characterize the motor activity of the various divisions GIT isolated from the signal captured using a digital band filter. For digital filtering using conventional filters with finite impulse characteristic

where Xâûõ(n):n-th readout signal at the output of the digital filter;
Xâõ(k: (k)-th readout signal at the input of digital filter;
h (i): impulse characteristic of digital filters.
The following is an example of scheduling five divisions GIT signals obtained after digital filtering.
Example graphs electrogastroenterography signals of five divisions GIT
Figure 6. Example graphs electrogastroenterography signals of five divisions GIT.

Ïðè ÿâëåíèÿõ "ðàçäðàæåííîãî æåëóäêà" When events "irritated stomach" there is unevenness and irregularity teeth, teeth with alternating high and low voltages, the emergence of waves associated with a reduction in stomach tonic. During the attack of pain there has been a sharp increase in the amplitude and frequency of waves. With the development of stenos is janitor teeth are characterized by particularly high voltage, which can exceed 2 MB. Reliable connection between the type of EGG and the nature of the disease can not be, because it reflects the functional changes that do not always coincide with the pathological process. However electrograph opens up broad prospects for the study of various therapeutic factors on motor function of the stomach. In healthy subjects the amplitude of teeth after breakfast 0,3-0,4 mV, and frequency of waves ~ 3 in 1 minute. Less Hyper Kinetic (0,5-0,8 mV) or hypo-kinetic (<0.2 mV) types EGG.

6.2. Performance Computer electrogastroenterogram.
6.2.1 The total electrical activity

On the basis of a result of spectral analysis of the spectrum curve is determined by the electric power signal. The program calculates the output signal for each frequency unit P (i) (ie the frequencies characteristic of the stomach duodenum, colon etc.) and the total power of PS.

where S (n) - spectral components in the n-th DFT filter;
k1:DPF filter number corresponding to the minimum value of the frequency of the i-th frequency division;
k2 - DPF filter number corresponding to the maximum frequency of the i-th frequency division.

6.2.2. The relative electrical activity

In contrast to the absolute reliably proved stable relative electrical activity of R (i) / PS. This indicator is the ratio of absolute values of electrical activity in each frequency spectrum to the total activity.A set of five indicators of R (i) / PS and a major in the decoding of data of peripheral computer electrogastroenterogram.

6.2.3. The coefficient of rhythm

The next indicator of motor GIT - rate rhythm Kritm, calculated as the ratio of the length of the spectrum envelope of the department of digestive tube to the width of the spectral plot at the abscissa axis.

where S (n): spectral components in the n-th DFT filter;
k1 - DPF filter number corresponding to the minimum value of the frequency of the i-th frequency division;
k2 - DPF filter number corresponding to the maximum frequency of the i-th frequency division.

6.2.4. Ratio Comparison

Of the normal physiology suggests that only an adequate job in all divisions of the digestive tube provides the proper evacuation of chyme on intestinal tube. Accordingly, this condition should be stable ratios to characterize the electrical activity of the divisions GIT. It appeared 4 the ratio of the electrical activity of the overlying department to lower P (i) / P (i +1). Here are the normal rates of computer electrogastroenterogram in healthy investigated.

Table 2. performance computing electrogastroenterogram studied in healthy

Division gastrointestinal tract P(i)/PS P(i)/P(i+1) Kritm
Colon 22,41±11,2 10,4±5,7 4,85±2,1
Stomach 2,1±1,2 0,6±0,3 0,9±0,5
Small intestine 3,35±1,65 0,4±0,2 3,43±1,5
Jejunum 8,08±4,01 0,13±0,08 4,99±2,5
Duodenum 64,04±32,01 22,85±9,8

7. Synthesis of scientific search and analysis

Features computer electrogastroenterogram:
•simplicity of the study;
•o the possibility of the use of different types of stimulants;
•o Obtaining objective information on the electrical activity and rhythmic activity in all divisions of the digestive tract, not only individually, but in the relationship.
The objectives of the computer electrogastroenterogram:
•Determining the type of breach - a functional or mechanical;
•Identification of lesion localization (Department GIT);
•Select a method of treatment;
•selection of corrective therapy.
Indications for study by computer electrogastroenterogram is that patients with various signs of violations of the motor activity of the digestive tract.
Constitute the main group studied patients with ulcer disease of stomach and duodenum. Given the numerous theoretical developments, one can clearly argue that violations of motor upper gastrointestinal tract plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis of peptic ulcer disease. Invariability of the identified motor-evacuative violations (Maine) is one of the criteria for determining the future strategy of management. When deciding on surgical treatment, adequate correction of violations IEF is possible only when there is the original, unbiased information that can be obtained by computer electrogastroenterogram.
Pathology small intestine so far is an area of medicine where a decisive role in the diagnosis is clinical experience doctor. For even those isolated intestinoscop provide information only on the organic lesion of bowel. Functional same violations found in most cases, little or no patognomonichno endoscopic picture. Here, computer electrogastroenterogram has no analogues.
Recently, more attention gastroenterologists took functional violations of so-called "transition zones" (gastro esophageal reflux reflux, etc.). Currently, diagnosis of these states is connected with a long radial load the patient and the doctor-radiologist, or "painful" swallowing 6-channel probe for ionomanometri that does not stand up to any comparison with the study of methods of computer electrogastroenterogram.
In abdominal surgery is often a number of functional disorders of gastrointestinal tract have to differentiate the mechanical nature of the disease. In these situations, a matter of time, sometimes for stretchable clock, is often decisive for the preservation of life of patients. This 20-30 minute study of the peripheral computer electrogastroenterogram may help to put all points on the "i". Recent research has shown that postoperative paresis of intestines, which affects ~ 65% of patients may be due to various factors:
•violations of electrical activity, as one of the divisions, and combinations;
•violations of rhythmic activity, as one division, and combinations.
None of the existing methods of diagnosis, except for computer electrogastroenterogram, currently can not provide such information.
The treatment of postoperative paresis of the intestines - an area commonly known and standardized in most clinics and includes all known drugs that affect motor function. And based on numerous studies, in some cases, even is contraindicated and can lead to a deterioration of the patient.

8. Conclusion

The main object of study in this work are the gastrointestinal tract (ZHKT). The study assesses the activity of a physician in all divisions of the digestive tract and the consistency of their work. Comparing the results with clinical data and the endoscopic, radiological, ultrasonic methods of investigation gives the physician the most complete information about the patient and not only the correct interpretation of the diagnosis, but also the risk of further progression of the disease and the development of complications. Thus, the functional assessment of the doctor examine the patient with the dialectic of positions and find the best ways to treat it. Data obtained with electrogastroenterogram not contradict, and often are ahead of the results of X-ray and endoscopic studies, which showed a high sensitivity method for the diagnosis of motor disorders. Using the method electrogastroenterogram can be recommended in daily clinical practice for diagnosis, differential diagnosis, as well as to determine the nature of violations of the motor-function evacuative gastrointestinal tract as a functional and organic genesis. Non-invasive, simple application of this method can be used in pediatric practice, including for the required number of follow-up surveys during observation.

9. Literature

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    6. Ponomarev AP, Rachkova NS, Belmer SV Havkin AI Peripheral electrogastroenterogram in pediatric gastroenterology. (Methodological aspects). / M.: 2007, 48 pp. Download in format pdf, 920 KB

    7. Stupin VA Bogdanov AE Mishulin LE Artemiev AS Lavrova NI Belkov AV Narezkin DV Zakirov DB Siluyanov SV Smirnova Ã.Î. The method of diagnosing the motor-function evacuative the gastrointestinal tract.

          Intragastric pH-metry, elektrogastroenterography and ECG.



          Gastrointestinal tract.


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