Thesis observations Preconditions to work When studying a working technique of a normative pecuniary valuation of the settlement lands it has been found out, that the local factors Км3 having essential influence on normative cost of the lands in cities, do not fully take into account the influence of various factors on normative cost of the land areas. So, it has been stated, that such important social factor as criminality directly affects the citizens standard of living, and as a result - the housing costs in this or that part of city. It is known, that some areas of city having notorious reputation or criminality centers do not attract estate or land buyers, and on the contrary areas with better criminal environment are more attractive in general. If you do not take into account this fact at estimating of the normative cost of land for residential and public building it will result in complete unfairness in payments for land users and land owners, as, the normative pecuniary valuation of the settlement lands is used for the definition of the land tax rate, a State Tax at exchange, inheritance and donation of the ground areas according to the law, calculation of a rent for the ground areas of the state and municipal property according to the Law of Ukraine « About pecuniary valuation of the lands ». Taking into account all the above-stated, it was decided to carry out the research of city criminality influence on normative cost of the lands on an example of Kalininsky district of Donetsk city . Urgency of work The urgency of work consists in the fact that the mechanism which would allow to take into account the influence of such very important factor as criminality in a city on normative cost of the ground is being developed. It, in our opinion, will allow to improve a technique of a normative pecuniary valuation of the lands and to make a payment for the ground more fair. The purpose of work The purpose of the given work is development of a technique of KM3factor definition used at a normative pecuniary valuation of settlement lands which would take into account the influence of criminality factor. For realization of the given purpose the following tasks have been set: 1. Gathering the authentic and actual qualitative and quantitative information about criminality rate in the area (Kalininsky district of Donetsk city). 2. Developing the project in software Arcgis 9.3.1 with which would help to visuallize the information on crimes in the area and to store the necessary information in a database. 3. The analysis of the data on criminality with the help of the created project and development on its basis of a technique of КМ3factor definition. Course of the study: The first stage in the specified research is gathering statistical data on criminality in Kalininsky district of Donetsk city. As a source of these data the statistics of the Internal Affairs Department of Kalininsky district is used. The information of such kind has been collected in full for 2007-2009. In total it is more than 1000 crimes. Achievements: So far the project in Arcgis 9.3.1 is created including: - Plotting board of Donetsk city М:1:5000 in coordinates; - A map of estimated areas for an actual normative pecuniary valuation of settlement lands of Donetsk city; - A database of addresses of Donetsk.  Animatiom was creatad in the program GIF-animator, consists of 4 shots, volume of animation 130 KB In the project a simple and clear interface is developed for input and editing of the data on criminality. It will allow firstly to change quickly data in the project if there is such necessity during the work, secondly, it makes such work interesting not only for a normative pecuniary valuation of lands, but also for law machinery. In fact, having the project, in which all the data on can be edited simply and quickly, it is possible to solve various problems in Arcgis 9.3.1, monitor and forecast criminality. For example, if in the certain area for a short time interval the amount of crimes of one kind has increased it is possible to assume about new gang appearance in city. Or if in any other area the amount of street robberies has enlarged, it is possible to make the operative decision of better patrolling of this area. After all collected information is put into this project the analysis of criminality in the estimated areas will be executed. The general preliminary positions of this technique are the following: 1) Definition of general crime rate (GCR) in the estimated area; 2) GCR is determined by amount of crimes in view of their measure (crime measure); 3) Assignment to estimated area with the least general crime rate Км3 = 1. Though, it may be considered also as Км3 variant equal not to 1 but more than 1 as absence of criminality in area is more likely considered by citizens as additional comfort, instead of a norm. 4) To other areas it is appropriated lowering Км3 proportionally to increase of the general crime rate. The important note Wile doing this author’s abstract the main research has not been completed yet. Final term of accomplishment: December, 2010. The full text of the work and materials on a theme can be received from the author or the scientific supervisor after the stated date. List of sources 1. Дегтяренко Ю. Ф., Лихогруд М. Г., Манцевич Ю. М., Палеха Ю. М. 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