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The use of harvesters and plows – the most efficient and fastest way to coal mining. But it is also the most difficult feasible. Harvesters and plows are mechanisms of the automation which should be as deep. This is necessary to improve the safety of the extraction of coal and minimizing the cost of repairs.

1. Theme urgency

The priority areas of the automation in the mining industry are those that are aimed at improving safety of operation of technology systems and facilities for staff. The specific conditions of the abatement in the slaughter – it is an explosive technological environment, a dispersed character of works, the difficulty of movement of people and the increased risk of mining and tunneling equipment. These conditions are increasingly complex. This is due to a decrease in the stock of natural resources. Therefore, extension of working faces is increasing the depth and development of coal seams.

Modern security systems personnel working faces are imperfect. Therefore the theme is urgent and new research and development necessary to.

2. Goal and tasks of the research

The main goal of research is the development of protection device of the combined electric network of the multidrive haulage system of the mining machine.     

Tasks of the research are: 

1. Analysis of existing methods for detecting leakage of electric current. 

2. Defining the parameters of the investigated area the mains and requirements to the developed device. 

3. Justification of the method support conductances for leak detection and computer modeling. 

4. Determination of parameters of system performance. 

5. Development of structural and circuit design solutions.

3. The automation system

One of automation systems of this process equipment is КД-А. The equipment is designed to control of mechanisms by systems КД-80, КД-90, КМ-103 rendered haulage systems of harvesters КА-80, КА-90, К-103М, 1К101УД, 1К101УД-04, ГШ200В, УКА 200, УКД-250. This equipment provides the modes of the load and speed which are specified. Scheme of the automation system is shown in Figure 1.

Анимация работы системы автоматизации
Figure 1 – Block diagram of the automation process of coal mining
(animation: 8 frames, 7 cycles of repeating, 150 kilobytes)

In Figure 1, indicated by: 1  drive of the haulage system; 2  speed sensors; 3  regulator of the load and speed; 4  control unit; 5  control unit of the combines engine; 6  control unit of the haulage engines;  7  the harvester UKD-250; 8  auxiliary cord; 9  power cord.

4. The control and protection system

The electric power network of electromagnetic slip brakes of the drive mining machines are the most susceptible link in the automation system. Damage to the cable can cause a short circuit of electric circuits, the leakage current to the ground, damage to elements of automation system and other emergency situations. One of effective methods to prevent the development of an emergency is an automatic control and protection against leakage to the ground in power circuits of electromagnetic slip brakes. 

The main parameters – performance, response speed, maximum and minimum allowable values of the currents and resistances, the safety requirements specified in ГОСТ 22929–78 Аппараты защиты от токов утечки рудничные для сетей напряжением до 1200 В [2]. 

As a result, a critical analysis of methods for determining an equivalent resistance by the combined electrical network relative to the ground, was chosen as the method support conductivities. They are connected to the poles of a voltage converter (semiconductor controlled rectifier) [6]. The method involves alternately connecting of two support conductivity to the DC link in order to detect possible leaks to the ground. By measuring the difference between the bias voltage of the artificial neutral Usm , can be clearly estimate the value of the equivalent resistance Re of the ground leakage. 

In order to determine the dependence of the refined Usm=f(Re) was carried out computer simulations. Schematic diagram of the investigated area network is shown in Figure 2.

The model of electric power network

Figure 2 – Diagram of the investigated section of the mains

The diagram elements are indicated:  

Uc  three phase low voltage winding of the power transformer; 

R1R7  resistance forming an artificial neutral; 

Ry1Ry3  resistance to leaks; 

DC phase controlled rectifier circuit for Larionov; 

ion  managed conductivity; 

EMS  electromagnetic clutch slip. 

The letters A, B, C – indicate locations of leaks in the network simulation, K1-driven key that allows the network connects the electromagnetic clutch slip. 

Graphs of the artificial neutral bias voltage have been obtained during the simulation (Fig. 3).

Graphs of the artificial neutral bias voltage

Figure 3 – Graphs of voltage bias the artificial neutral;

Figure 3 shows graphs of the following bias artificial neutral: 

a) bias voltage without neutral leakage current; 

b) the bias voltage at the neutral-phase leakage; 

c) the bias voltage at the neutral single-pole leakage.

Found that the amplitude of the AC bias voltage neutral corresponds uniquely to equivalent conductivity of the mains to ground for all possible combinations of lower conductivity (symmetrical AC, two pole, single phase, two-phase and single-pole). The analytical dependence of the bias voltage neutral on the equivalent resistance (1) was obtained by the method of least squares, using the approximation dependence obtained in computer experiments (Fig. 4).

The analytical dependence

Dependence of the bias voltage neutral on the equivalent resistance

Figure 4 – Dependence of the bias voltage neutral on the equivalent resistance


The resulting dependence can get the source data to develop a new system of control and protection of electrical power supply of the electromagnetic clutch slip drive mining machines. 

When writing this abstract the master's qualification work is not completed. Date of final completion of work: December, 2012. Full text of the work and materials on work theme can be received from author or his scientific supervisor after that date.


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