Methods of personnel management in the organization and improvement of management activities
- Introduction
- 1. Theme urgency
- 2. Goal and tasks of the research
- 3. Methods of personnel management in the organization and improvement of management activities
- Conclusion
- References
The key to the success of any enterprise is qualified personnel. Therefore, the modern concept of enterprise management involves the selection of a large number of functional areas of management activity that is associated with the management of the personnel component of production – enterprise personnel.
1. Theme urgency
The relevance and importance of the topic is that for the efficiency of the enterprise, it is necessary to properly organize the work of employees, while constantly monitoring the activities of employees, using various methods of personnel management.
2. Goal and tasks of the research
For the successful functioning of any organization, the study of the problems of improving the management of the organization's personnel is important. Ways of improvement of personnel potential are directly connected with the analysis of security of the enterprise personnel, the use of Fund of working time, productivity analysis.
Planned result:
Development of recommendations for improvement of management methods at the enterprise.
3. Methods of personnel management in the organization and improvement of management activities
The most common methods of personnel management remain in the theory and practice of management economic administrative, socio-psychological methods. Let us briefly discuss some of them (Figure 1).
The first method is traditionally based on classical economic laws. This method is used by a huge number of organizations as an incentive for the effective work of staff, encouraging their employees or, on the contrary, using them as punishment [1]. If this method is applied incorrectly, there are negative points that can lead to losses, strikes, and even bankruptcy of the enterprise.
When a group of administrative methods of management is influenced through organizational and administrative mechanisms, both positive and negative aspects also arise. A negative point may be staff turnover, an indifferent mechanical attitude of the team to their duties. The positive side of this procedure is the organization of the team, discipline, responsibility, etc.
Socio-psychological methods are expressed in the creation of a collective, the planning of social development, the fostering of a favorable atmosphere in it, and the constant improvement of leadership style. They are based on the methods of motivation and moral influence on people and are known as “methods of persuasion”
One of the innovative personnel management tools is the method of structuring goals, which, in particular, is characterized by such factors as the justification of the qualitative and quantitative goals of an enterprise, control of the goals of the personnel management system of their compliance with the goals of the enterprise. [3]
Both its strengths and weaknesses have each method of personnel management. Absolute, ideal does not exist. The manager faces several tasks:
- strive to find those methods that have the greatest potential impact in terms of the task at hand;
- skillfully combine these or other methods of management so that their combination motivates the subordinates to perform this task to the maximum extent possible;
- skillfully apply the developed methods and their combination in practice.
With the continuous improvement of personnel management at the exit, the team receives a full satisfaction of their needs, and the company – the implementation of their own, and profit.
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