Resume DonNTU Faculty's website Department's website

Brief resume

Name Tril Tatiana Sergeevna
Date of birth January 10, 2000
Place of birth Petrovskoye village, Shakhtersky district, Donetsk region
Schools 2006-2017 Manuilovskaya secondary school of Shakhtersky district
Universities 2017-2021, Donetsk National Technical University, Faculty of Engineering and Economics, specialty – "Personnel Management and Labor Economics", Bachelor
2021-2023, Donetsk National Technical University, Faculty of Engineering and Economics, specialty – " Organization personnel management ", Master's degree
Average score 83Â
Languages Russian, Ukrainian, English (À2).
Personal qualities Responsibility, stress tolerance, sociability, purposefulness.
Professional and computer skills Operating systems: Windows
Office applications: MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
Additional courses, internships, grants Participation in scientific conferences
Professional experience I did my internship at the 3rd year of bachelor's degree in Manuilovskaya village administration in the human resources department.
Future plans Successful completion of studies at the University, employment in the specialty with the prospect of career growth.
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