Summary on the topic of the final work
- Introduction
- 1. Relevance of the study
- 2. Purpose and objectives of the study
- 3. Theoretical aspects of shaping approaches to the organisation's human resources system
- 3.1 Theoretical approaches to the study of the concept of personnel management system
- 3.2 Approaches to the formation of an organisation's human resource management system
- Conclusion
- List of references
The main part of a person's life is spent in organised work activities. In such a situation, human resources management becomes particularly important, as it has a direct impact on the processes of formation and development of personal potential of employees, ensures its implementation, and solves a range of problems of adaptation of individuals to external conditions. The success of the organization depends on how well the personnel management is carried out, which is seen as a new reserve for economic growth.
The theoretical basis for the author's acquaintance with the developments in the field of human resource management in the organization were the works of the following authors: B. Genkin, N. Fedorova, V. Kramarenko, L. Balabanova, etc.
1. Relevance of the study
The personnel potential of a company is the most important strategic factor determining its success. The qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the personnel determine the possibility of implementing the development strategy, structural reorganisation, production expansion, product quality and productivity growth. Modern approaches to the management of corporate structures are based on the need to maximize the potential of the people working in them, when the personnel is considered as a key factor determining the efficiency of use of all other resources of the enterprise. As the experience of the most successful domestic and foreign companies shows, investments in personnel, creation of conditions for professional growth of employees and improvement of their independence provide a quick and high return on investment.
2. Purpose and objectives of the study
The aim of the study is to investigate the theoretical aspects of the formation of HRM approaches.
In accordance with the goal set, the main objectives of the work are:
1) to consider theoretical approaches to the study of the concept "personnel management system";
2) to analyze approaches of formation of personnel management system of organization.
The subject of the research are the approaches to the formation of personnel management system.
The object of the study are the theoretical aspects of approaches to the formation of personnel management systems.
The normative and methodological basis of the study was formed by the works of leading scientists, monographs, periodical literature, primary data characterizing the object of research.
3. Theoretical aspects of shaping approaches to the organisation's human resources system
3.1 Theoretical approaches to the study of the concept of personnel management system
In the current transition to a market economy, many managers of domestic production organisations of various forms of ownership underestimate the importance of building a personnel management system for effective management and increasing labour productivity.
Personnel management system is a set of techniques, methods and technologies for organising work with personnel. Any system is a set of components that can be considered as independent systems with their own goals and objectives. In studying the essence of the concept of "personnel management system" there is still no consensus about the concept and components that form it. Summarizing theoretical research in the field of personnel management, differences in the interpretation of the essence of personnel management system can be highlighted (Table 3.1).
Author | Definition |
Fedorova N. V. [1 p. 11] | A personnel management system is a set of subsystems that reflect the individual facets of working with personnel and are designed to develop and implement an effective impact on them in order to realise the organisation's objectives. |
Genkin B.M., Sardak O.V. [2, p. 22] | A set of aims, objectives and main lines of action, as well as various types, methods and appropriate management arrangements, aimed at improving productivity and quality of work. |
Krushelnitskaya O. V., Melnichuk D.N. [3, p. 51] | An ordered set of interrelated elements that are distinguished by functional objectives, acting autonomously, but aiming to achieve an objective. |
Dorifeenko V.V., Komar Y.M., Tokareva V.I. [4, p. 96] | Methods, procedures, techniques to influence an organisation to maximise the potential of its employees to achieve the organisation's goals. |
Kramarenko V.I. [5, p. 75] | A form of implementation of the interaction and development of management relationships expressed in the laws and principles of management, as well as in the objectives, functions, structure, methods in the management process. |
Borisov A.B. [6, p. 24] | A set of human resources measures aimed at achieving the company's objective by targeting the company's employees. |
Shapiro S.A., Shataeva O.V. [7, p. 192] | A set of processes within the human resources framework |
Gerchikov V.I. [8, p. 103] | A set of interrelated organisational, economic and social measures aimed at the proper functioning, development and effective use of human resources |
The basic elements of an organisation's governance arrangements are the system, processes, management decisions and staff, which in interaction ensure that the organisation's purpose and objectives are realised. The management system refers to the structure, functions, resources (all of which support the activities of the organisation), information flows and management technology. The management functions implement the processes based on the decisions made. The mechanism implements the management decisions by performing the functions of the organisation through the management processes within the management system, thanks to the staff.
Thus, the human resources management system is made up of interrelated elements: the human resources management subsystem; the functional executive subsystem; and the information and communication subsystem.
3.2 Approaches to the formation of an organisation's human resource management system
Formation of personnel management system implies, first of all, construction of the "goal tree", the goals of the employee and the goals of the manager, ensuring their least contradiction, revealing the role and place of personnel management in ensuring the main goals of the enterprise.
In order to adapt to the conditions of a constantly evolving market, it is necessary to make a transition from traditional personnel management to the concept of modern personnel management of the organisation. Traditional management systems were a response to standard technology and a constant external environment, while the new HR systems are a response to rapid change, to the constant improvement of production technology. There are different aspects of organisational human resource management, which is presented in Table 3.2 [9].
Traditional personnel management system | A modern human resources management system |
Operational orientation | Strategy orientation |
A focus on stability | Focusing on timely adaptation of the personnel management system to changes in the external environment |
Organisational development orientation | A focus on human development and the realisation of human potential |
Maximum division of labour into simple and narrow occupations | Optimal grouping of jobs, multidisciplinary specialities |
Organisational leadership as a management function is designed to unify, coordinate and integrate all other functions into a coherent whole. This is achieved by implementing the principles of working with staff and their interaction.
Ensuring employment guarantees for personnel makes any organization more profitable and competitive, especially if the strategy of personnel composition stabilization is used as a means to increase flexibility in personnel management, to create conditions for close interaction of employees and preservation of their most qualified composition [10, p. 88].
The basic elements of building a human resource management system are managerial decisions and personnel that in interaction ensure the implementation of goals and objectives of the organization. The management system is understood as the structure, functions and resources, information flows, and management technologies.
There are two groups of principles of formation of the personnel management system in the organisation:
1) Principles describing the requirements for the formation of the personnel management system;
2) Principles that determine the directions of development of the personnel management system [11, p. 32].
All approaches of building the personnel management system are implemented in interaction. Their combination depends on the specific conditions of functioning of an organization's personnel management system.
Table 3.3 presents the principles that characterize the requirements for the formation of personnel management system [12, p. 47].
Name of principle | Content of the principle |
The conditioning of personnel management functions on the chain of production | Personnel management functions are not formed and changed arbitrarily, but according to the needs and objectives of production. |
The primary functions of human resources management | The composition of the personnel management system subsystems, the organisational structure, employee requirements and the number of employees depend on the content, quantity and labour intensity of the personnel management functions. |
Economy | It assumes the most efficient and cost-effective organisation of the personnel management system, reducing the share of management system costs in the total unit cost of production, and improving production efficiency. |
Complexity | All factors affecting the management system must be taken into account when setting up the personnel management system. (links to superior bodies, contractual links, state of the management facility, etc.) |
Promptness | Timely decisions to analyse and improve the human resources management system, preventing or promptly eliminating deviations |
Optimality | The company's HR management system is designed to be a multi-variant solution, with the best option for the specific production conditions being selected. |
Simplicity | The simpler the personnel management system, the more effective it is. Of course, this avoids simplifying personnel management at the expense of production |
Hierarchy | In all vertical sections of the personnel management system, there should be a hierarchical relationship between the management levels (structural units or individual managers), the principal characteristic of which is the asymmetrical transmission of information "down" and "up" through the management system. |
Scientificity | The development of personnel management system measures should be based on the achievements of management science and take into account the changes in the laws of social production under market conditions |
The human resources management system in an organisation encompasses not only the units that deal directly with human resources, but also managers at all organisational levels of the organisation. In other words, the personnel management system is the backbone of the organisation's management system. It is preceded by an HRM strategy, which deals directly with decisions whose implementation leads to a significant and lasting impact on the employment and development of employees in the organisation [13].
The analysis of economic literature showed that there are different approaches to the interpretation of the concept "personnel management system", generalization of which allowed to consider personnel management as a special type of activity on the management of people, aimed at achieving the goals of the enterprise by using the labour, experience, talent of people, taking into account their satisfaction with work. Personnel management system has its own principles, tools and performs certain functions. The human resource management system in an organization encompasses not only units that deal directly with human resources, but also managers at all organizational levels of the organization. In other words, the human resource management system is the main framework in the organisation's management system.
Timely staffing of all key divisions of an enterprise becomes impossible without clear planning, development and implementation of personnel policy.
Workforce planning is as much about satisfying production needs as it is about serving the interests of employees and society as a whole. Today, it is more necessary than ever to look for opportunities to reconcile market conditions and the interests of the firm's employees.
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