The management and the control of many modern processes of productions is carried out with the using of the automated control systems for a long time. Many modern processes are very exacting to control systems, which are serving them. Some of them demand from control system high speed, others - low cost. That's why it is necessity to development a new methods of synthesis of operating devices with the purpose of optimization of their characteristics.
        It is known, that the greatest speed is reached with automatic devices with "rigid" logic, the most flexible are automatic devices with "programmed" logic. The composition of these two automatic devices has received the name of the composite microprogram control unit.
Figure 1. Base structure of the composite microprogram control unit (Flash-animation. Use control elements too see animation)
        The classic structure of CMCU has such advantages:
format of MC contains only an operational part (minimization of word length of control memory (CM));
using of natural addressing of MC, however MC of conditional transitions in CM are absent (minimization of capacity of CM);
multidirected microprogram conditional transitions are carried out for one step that (minimization of time of performance of the microprogram).
        Minimization of hardware amount for realization of the device is a classical problem. One of directions of activity of department of Computes Science of Donetsk national technical university is development and optimization of control units. Research of composite microprogram control units (CMCU) was offered to me as a perspective method of the decision of the basic defects of classical types of control units.
The algorithms of optimization of the automaton allow to find the decision to the given problem for the given type of control units.
        The purpose of the given work is synthesis and research of composite microprogram control units with base structure in basis of modern programmed logic devices (PLD).
        For achievement of the given purpose such problems needs to be solved:
studying of existing methods of synthesis CMCU;
analysing of algorithms of optimization of devices;
analysing of existing element basis (PLD);
choice of best algorithm of optimization for realization CMCU on PLD;
creation of the tool of researching CMCU with the purpose of practical realization of the proved algorithms of optimization.
        The system of computer-aided design (CAD) is developed for practical research of algorithms of optimization of CMCU. Basic defect of CMCU - insufficient flexibility in reprogramming.
When you change the float-chart of control algorithm, it is necessity to carrying out a new control unit. Application of such tool as CAD CMCU will not solve a problem of insufficient flexibility CMCU in reprogramming, but it will allow to save human and time resources during a redesign of the device.
        CAD CMCU is written using C++, free for using Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition has been used for assembly and debugging of the project.
        FSM-Editor is used for testing CAD. FSM-Editor was developed by master Lavrik A.S. as a masters work.
Test float-charts of algorithms were carried out as manually, and by the automatic generator. At automatic generation float-chart have been received with the set of parameters of branching, average quantity of microoperations in operational shape, quantity of logic conditions, etc.
of the given project consists in a substantiation of dependence of a choice of the certain architecture of the control device from characteristics of float-chart of control algorithm.
To solve a problem of choosing the type of control unit, it is planned to investigate various architectures of CMCU with base structure for various values of parameters of float-charts of control algorithms. The finding of laws will allow to assume characteristics of control unit before it's synthesys depending on the chosen architecture and to choose the optimum one, the best in speed and hardware amount.
        The department of the Computer Science of Donetsk national technical university makes researches in a direction "Synthesis and optimization of control devices" more, than one year. Master's works had been defended in this direction. It speaks about the certain achievements.
Tsololo Sergei
made a research of methods of synthesis of control devices on user programmed PLD. The basic attention was been given to Xilinx FPGA schemes.
Shishko Sergey
investigated questions of development and researche of composite microprogram control unit with a cache-memory. The primary goal of researches was increasing in speed of composite microprogram control unit due to reduction of average time of access to control memory.
Kostyanok Tat'yana Nikolaevna
developed methods of synthesis of microprogram automatic devices of Mealy with coding objects.
Voytenko Sergiy Arkadiyovich
Berezhok Alexey Jurievich
investigated application of UML at designing operating automatic devices. A result of work became CAD, entrance parameters for which is the UML-scheme of realization of the control device.
        Work of
Skoropad Alexander
is called "Development of a subsystem of a CAD and verification of a controlling automat of Moore with the multilevel architecture". Work is interesting, because language of the description of float-chart of the control algorithm using in it. This language describes both communications between tops, and contents of tops.
Siluanov Anton
was engaged in development of CAD of Mealy automaton with transformation of objects in basis FPGA. The CAD system generate VHDL-files of the description of architecture of devices.
Borovlev Artem Sergeevich
made a similar work, but object of its researches was Moore's automaton. Under the description of float-chart of algorithm synthesis of VHDL-model of the automatic device with application of optimizing algorithms is carried out.
        The most similar work have been done by
Danilov Maxim Vasilievich.
His masters work is called "Development and researches of system of the automated designing of composite microprogram devices of management". His scientific supervizor is Kovalev Sergey Aleksandrovich.
This work uses specific language for the description of float-chart of algorithm that complicates its use. There is no algorithms of optimization in this work.
In my masters work CAD system of CMCU will have the certain degree of intelligence which consists in a tentative estimation of characteristics of the control unit and delivery of recommendations on generation of the certain architecture of the automatic device.
        CAD system realizes synthesis of architecture of the composite microprogram device of management with base structure without algorithms of optimization at this moment. The strategy of coding of operational and conditional tops in an entrance XML-file is accepted as the basic for a mark of conditions of the automatic device that does not give an optimum set of addresses of transitions.
        Synthesis of the combinational scheme of formation of the address of a following operational linear chain is executed in trivial way, without minimization of identical signals at formation of the multidirected logical transitions.
The scheme of the counter is made on D-triggers and depends on quantity of bits of the address of control memory. Memory is made by external type that allows to use received VHDL-files for an insertion in basis CPLD. The content of control memory are written to a text file which is created in the same directory, where is placed an entrance XML-file.
        A dynamic connected modules which would carry out synthesis of the optimized architecture of automatic devices will be developed. Except for realization of the algorithms, which reduce address' length, entrance bits of conditions and target bits of reactions, it is planned to realize algorithms of an optimum mark of conditions that will allow to reduce number of functions of excitation of memory. Also at formation of functions of excitation of memory probably alternative use as D-, and T-triggers that will allow to minimize quantity of them.
        Modules of synthesis of the optimized structures of control devices it is planned to execute in the form of dynamic libraries that will allow to make CAD system more flexible and expanded.
        For achievement of the purpose existing methods of synthesis CMCU have been studied with base structure, and also algorithms of optimization of architecture of the device with the purpose of minimization of its hardware amount and time characteristics have been considered.
For realization CMCU a modern element basis of PLD has been studied, the basic characteristics of integrated schemes with the purpose of synthesis optimum for realization in basis of operating devices are chosen.
        For research of algorithms of optimization it has been created CAD system of design CMCU, which can be used also not only in scientific, but also in the industrial purposes.
        It is possible to draw a conclusion that the purpose will be reached after realization in CAD system of CMCU design algorithms of optimization CMCU, and also carrying out of some researches by definition of boundary values of characteristics float-chart of control algorithm which will be taken for a basis at the analysis any float-chart with the purpose of the recommendation of optimum architecture for each concrete case.
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