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Student of Donetsk National Technical University Nicholas Shatokhin

Nicholas Shatokhin

Faculty of computer science and technologies
Department of applied mathematics and information technology
Speciality "Software Engineering"

Master's thesis topic:
Parallel methods for automatic speech recognition by computers with SIMD-Architectures

Professor, Ph.D., L. Feldman

Assistant I. Bondarenko

Individual section

Comparative characteristics of domestic and foreign education systems

Introduction. Justification of the reasons for choosing the theme

On the shortcomings of our education system in recent years does not mean just lazy. But let's compare the education systems of other countries and identify our strengths and weaknesses. I analyzed the stories of several of our former compatriots who have left for permanent residence in other countries, and educated at the local technical high school. On the other hand, I rely on my own experience of teaching in higher education in Ukraine.

The reason for choosing the theme was the fact that I often see problems in our education system. And I hope that this work will contribute at least as a corrective.

Consider the system of education the Czech Republic, Serbia, England and the United States.

Czech Republic

In the Czech universities there is no such division in the field, as we have. Students arrive at a certain department (computer science, mathematics, physics, etc.). At the department, there are several programs (similar to our faculties). For example, in computer science is a "theoretical computer science," "Programming" and "database". For each program has a list of compulsory subjects, a large list of free items and halfcompulsory. Compulsory courses a student must pass all, by halfcompulsory student needs to get a certain number of credits (usually need to pass an object 3 or 4 out of 12), subjects are free on request.

The system of education is credit. This means that each student is to be transferred to the next semester, must earn a certain number of credits per semester. Usually, this number corresponds to somewhere 40 hours of workload per week - 1 hour sessions per week equals one credit. Credits are awarded for an exam or handed set-off (if the object does not provide exam). You can gain credits "in reserve" - ​​a bunch of exams to pass in the first few semesters.

In order to pass each subject is given three attempts. If after three attempts to subject the student did not pass, he can afford it to write more next year and he will have again three attempts. Total 6 attempts at delivery of each item.

On the other hand, if people do not pass a subject that was compulsory for 6 attempts - that they will be expelled from the university. Or if you did not get enough credit - exclude too. Excluding here is quickly, clearly procedure without any problems. However, those who are excluded, they are able to join to university again and they can deduct themselves automatically to those goods that have already been put to "good" or "excellent."

Lectures and design study is not required. Looks only at the result of the examination, and not on attendance.

Most items are constantly changing program to keep abreast of progress.


Serbian education system similar to ours, but with some exceptions.

Undergraduate consists of three years of study, 6 semesters. MSc - 2 years. Each semester for 5 subjects. The content is updated core subjects by 30% each year to keep pace with progress.

On each piece is a professor who conducts lectures, and an assistant, who leads the practice, taking / homework checks, etc. Accordingly, each subject is divided into two parts. As a rule, the practice is right after the lectures. But on some things mixed practice with lectures. The same professor sometimes can be an assistant. At certain times, every teacher is available for consultation on Skype. Questions can be left on faculty's forum.

The Faculty has a scoring system. To close the subject, it is necessary to collect more than 51 points, with a great part of the exam, otherwise the object is not valid.
15 points are awarded for weekly tests. The test can produce from 0.1 to 1 point. In some subjects the tests are only once every three weeks.
22.5 points - for homework. They can also be a 5 or 15. Deadline - one week, after which the score falls by half.
25 points - the project. Deadline - 10 days before the exam. In math instead of the project - kolokviums.
7.5 points - the activity on lectures and practices.
30 points - the exam. Mathematics in writing, English writing, of the items - computers in the form of the test part - on the computers in the form of jobs or more.

Not attending lectures or practice punishable by -0.5 points. One missed day -1, respectively score. At week 4 working days, one day is two things.


Each student has a universal student card, which is both a pass, students and library card, student's record book. In addition the student account is created, through which he can log into any machine and the audience's mailbox. The site of the University students on your account have access to educational materials, see the list of tasks for the subjects taught, can watch their estimates for the laboratory and course work. There is even a possibility to arrange a chat with other students and a teacher.

Through the site is open to students access to electronic library, you can book seats for the upcoming student activities and do many other things that are reflected in real life.

Go to the lectures is absolutely not necessary, much less something to write on them. No audit summaries and admission to the examination on the result of visits. Knowledge is measured during the test and in fact putting semester of work.

Usually all the material of lectures is in electronic form. It is available to all students at the university site from the very beginning of the semester (each student is only available material of the objects, which he conducted). Before you gather for a lecture, you can figure out what will be discussed, and decide not to go, or, conversely, to prepare some questions on the subject.

For the object you can get not 3, 4 or 5, you can get mark from 0 to 100 points. The student has been validated, if gaining 50 points, or subject it does not count, and must pass it again next year. The final score is calculated not only by the results of the exam, but also includes the assessment of coursework and laboratory work. For example, 25 out of 100 points can make evaluation of the laboratory (maximum 10) and course (maximum 15). The remaining 75 are added to the results of the examination.


In the United States using a credit system of education. This means that every object is an independent entity that can be taught out of context and without any attachment to other subjects. Each object is assigned a "weight" which depends on the hours spent in class per week. The average "weight" of the subject - 3:00 (credit). In order to obtain a diploma must pass all required specialty items and a certain number of hours (credits).

Evaluation of performance throughout the semester goes on a 100-point scale (percentage) system. Thus, if the correct answers to 100 of 100 questions in the test / control / test - it is 100 points. Each test / control / exam has its own weight in determining the final grade. For example all the household work can be 10% of the final grade and final exam - 40%. Thus, evaluation of the work done depends not only on knowledge of all the 200 tickets on the exam, but also on the uniform work throughout the semester.

Interest on the results of the semester put a letter grade, A (90% -100%), B (80% -90%), C (70% -80%), D (60% -70%). There are also polubally as pluses (+) and minus (-).

Each letter grade is assigned a score that is used in the calculation of performance, scholarship, and the average score for a diploma. "A" corresponds to 4.0, "A-" = 3.7 'B +' = 3.3, 'B' = 3.0, etc.

To calculate the GPA to take the sum of products of all points on the loan 'weight' items and divided by the sum of all scores. For example, if I got the "A" on the subject of "weight" of 3 credits, "C" on the subject of "weight" of 4 credits and failed completely (zero points) some weighing 2 physical education credit, the average score is (3 * 4 + 2 * 4 + 0 * 2) / (3 + 4 + 2) = 2.22, not 2.0 as in the arithmetic mean.

Visiting the University is not required. Since the system of education credit, the only thing to look at that diploma - is the presence-established credits for compulsory subjects. At each school there are consultants who help free of charge to anyone interested to pick up the schedule to your taste, there is free time and money.

Due to this freedom of action is completely absent such a thing as a "group". Since even those who are enrolled in the same specialty in the same time, can have drastically different schedules, then the probability that two individuals ever to meet in more than one class is very small.


1. As we can see, the training program in the Czech Republic and Serbia is constantly changing to match the dynamics of the profession. On the contrary, the Ukrainian program for the most part is hopelessly outdated. For example, just six months ago I had to take the lab work that should have been written in Delphi. Although this platform is outdated and unused in the market, and it would be much more logical to replace it, for example, to the modern Qt.

2. In the U.S., Britain and the Czech Republic visiting of the university is not required. First, this practice teaches students to self-control, which is a very important skill in later life. Second, it pushes students to self-study materials, which is more efficient for the development of skills than simply memorizing and transcribing notes.

3. In Serbia, England and the United States a more objective evaluation system based on the work of the student during the semester. Estimated student can really judge his knowledge, in contrast to Ukraine, where honest work in the semester the student and the student just memorize all the cards can get the same estimates.

4. Universities in Serbia, and England, more flexible interaction between students and teachers than in Ukraine. In Ukraine, you can not talk to any teacher on Skype or online chat.


From all the above we can conclude that our education system is really outdated and needs updating. Need to update curricula at regular intervals to adjust to market realities. It is necessary to establish operational contact teachers and students, encourage students to engage in self-learning.


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