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Saenko Olga

Saenko Olga

Department of Computer Informational Technologies and Automatics
Group AT-98a

Master's work theme: Development of algorithms of control 6-feet walking machine on the basis of special and especially passable gaits

Supervisor: Associate professor of chair AT Rafikov G.S.


Pyc   سيِ   Eng




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    I was born on February 23, 1979 in Donetsk, Ukraine. Though, according to my father, it was the best gift for Day of Red army and Navy. May be because of this I loved to spend time in father's workshop, arranging radiodetails in places, more than to play with dolls.
    Before school I has visited three children's gardens (because of circumstances).
    At last, on the first day of September, 1986 I has gone in 1-A class of high school N100. It was easy for me to study. I think, that due to the most amazing first teacher Natalia Aleksandrovna. Free time I had spent attending ball dances. But soon I has opened a new passion - books. The books calmed and carried away in more simple, but interesting world. School time wasn't very carefree for me. Teachers and class chiefs changed one by one. As experiment after ending the third class we were redistributed in classes by aptitude for mathematic, literature etc. As a result, mine new mathematical 5-A was very different from usual 3-D. I had to get used not only to the new teachers, but also to the new classmates. It was twice difficult, as I was very shy and it was not easy to get on well with new people (not any more). But it has not influenced on studies. I took part in Olympiads on mathematics and chemistry. During study in 9-th class attended facultative computer class. It was something new for me and very interesting. I think, exactly at this time decision to find out more about computers and everything connected to them has appeared.
    In 1994 I has finished the 9-th class, receiving the certificate with distinction, and has entered Donetsk technical school of industrial automatics on a speciality "Electronics and computers". I wanted to receive starting base of knowledge and to increase my chances of entering a university. In 4 years I received the degree certificate with distinction.
    As for me, there was no a problem of choice. The decision to enter Donetsk State Technical University (DonSTU) took a split of second - wanted to receive good technical education. Besides (as for me), the department of Computer informational technologies and automatic was the best as I wanted to continue chosen way. So, in 1998 I have entered speciality "Automatics and telecommunications". This speciality has attracted me because of the received knowledge let the specialist to work practically in any field. The important moment for me was that computer technologies are studied here.
    I has written two student's scientific works. The first one - in the field of humanitarian sciences ("Brest agreement and its consequences"). The second one - in the field of engineering science. This work " Synthesis of modal regulators and observers of a condition of one-dimensional discrete dynamic system" has occupied the first place on university competition. My supervisor (since the third year of studies) is the docent of chair AT Rafikov G. S. A choice of the supervisor, on my sight, rather difficult task. You have to take into account his specialization and your own interest as well . I prefer research work based on mathematical models of systems.
    In 2002 has received the bachelor's degree with distinction of Donetsk national technical university. After that I was offered to study further to get Master's degree. I have agreed without any shadow of a doubt. It is chance to receive deeper knowledge of the speciality. My supervisor has offered to research the movement of walking devices, which has more than 2 feet. The theme of my master's work - "Development of algorithms of control 6-feet walking machine on the basis of special and especially passable gaits", that is not just interesting, but also essential problem. Use of such devices will make considerably easier movement on crossed terrain. Besides they can be with successfully used for researches in areas, where man can not be because of an aggressive environment. There are a lot of the references in this field of such authors, as Golubev Y. F., Lapshin V.V., Okhotsimsky D.E. etc. However, these developments of the last century have to be increased. Looking forward, it's easy to guess that the similar themes will be researched and improved in near future not only on a speciality "Control Systems and automatics ". As for me, this speciality should cover the increasing quantity of fields, where application of controllers and computers is possible and necessary. So, the spetialists, which can realize such projects, soon will be required. I can assume, that some (but not completely) integration of my speciality with others is inevitable.
    After magistracy I'm going to get the postgraduate study. I want to be a teacher for a while. But it's not the last stop. Also I want to try myself in another field: creation new systems of control based on tne newest controllers.