Магистр ДонНТУ Языков Никита Александрович Nikita Yazikov
Faculty: "Ecology and chemical technology"
Profession: "Equipment of chemical industry and enterprises of building materials"

The Subject of the exhaust work:
"Research and development of technique and technology of chemical sewage treatment of by-product coke plants".

Work supervisors:
an associate professor of department of "General chemistry", Candidate of Chemical science Ludmila Rubleva;
an associate professor of department of "Machines and devices of chemical factorys",
Candidate of Technical science Alexander Parfenuk.

 Русский язык Українська мова  English language
Русский язык Українська мова English language
Portal of masters
Purpose and tasks
Topicality of work
Scientific novelty
Planned practical results
Review of topic research and development
Chemical method
References on the internet sources
The abstract
Purpose and tasks

      The purpose of the work is an identification of kinetic regularities of reaction of neutral hydrolysis of some sulphochlorides anilids sulphoacids in water-organic medium depending on temperature and structure features of substrate.

Topicality of work

      The problem of utilization of industrial sewage and its cleaning from toxicants is one of the most important problems of ecology. Being one of the most widespread toxic pollutants, phenols are important and deficit components of organic synthesis. Therefore, it is more profitable to extract phenols or regenerate them in low-toxic products which can find further application, but not to suppress them by destruction by means of biochemical oxidization, thermal decomposition, etc.

Scientific novelty

      The scientific novelty of work consists in synthesis of new derivatives of aromatic sulphochlorides, research of their reactivity at the nucleophilic substitution, finding out a rare case of presence of area of isokinetic temperature in the working range, offering variant of practical realization of method of chemical cleaning of sewage.

Planned practical results

      As a result of work it is planned to develop and prove technique and technology for carrying out the process of cleaning of sewage of by-product coke plants by means of chemical method. It is planned in the future to patent the scheme and devices, as well as industrial testing and manufacturing application.

Review of topic research and development

      Phenols are one of the widespread toxic pollutants of sewage of chemical production. Basic sources of phenol contamination of natural water are by-product coke plants, shaleremaking, wood-chemical enterprises, production of phenolphthalein, phenolformaldehyde resins, salicylic acid and salol, enterprises of petrochemistry. Extraction, steamcirculation, adsorbtion and biochemical methods are frequently used for dephenolizing of industrial sewage. It should be noted that phenols are important and scarce raw materials of organic synthesis the same time. It is not economically expedient to utilize them [1,2].

Chemical method

      The existing methods of dephenolizing have many limitations in their application and do not always provide a required degree of cleaning. They are also very expensive [3]. Therefore, the chemical method of cleaning is considered to be perspective.
      Products of this process are sulphonates, which are untoxic, insoluble in water and after additional cleaning can be used in their traditional areas of application, such as plasticizing agents of rubber and plastic. In addition, there are substances with expressed biological activity of sulphanate, which are used as antiseptics, antibiotics, acaricides and fungicides.
At the dephenolizing of sewage of by-product coke plants using chemical methods, sulphochloride is used as a basic reagent [1,2,4].

Advantages of the method:

• Reduction of water, steam and electricity volumes expended for dephenolizing.
• Carrying out dephenolizing by any concentrations of phenol with the given degree of cleaning.
• A presence of ammonia in water as a catalyst.
• Reduction of production area because of combination of two processes in one department.
• Finished goods of dephenolizing are commodity products.
• Sulphonates, useful products of the method can be used for softening of technical water and diminishing of scale.
• Easiness of division of cleared water from the products of dephenolizing.


• High cost of initial sulphochlorides.
• Necessity of application of corrosive resistant equipment.
• Flowing of side processes of hydrolysis of sulphochlorides.

1. The synthesis of new derivatives of aromatic sulphochlorides analids of sulphoacids was conducted.
2. The kinetic of neutral hydrolysis of obtained substrates in water-organic solvent depending on temperature and structure features of fragments of molecule was investigated.
3. It was displayed that the relatively low reactionary in conditions of neutral hydrolysis enables the use of sulphochlorides anilids of sulpoacids for dephenolizing swages.
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2. Языков Н.А., Рублева Л.И., Левандовский В.Ю. Эффекты структуры субстрата при гидролизе сульфохлоридов анилидов сульфокислот – химических агентов дефеноляции в водноорганических средах // Збірка доповідей VI Міжнародної наукової конференції аспірантів та студентів "Охорона навколишнього середовища та раціональне використання природних ресурсів", том 1, Донецк: 2005 - С. 126-127.
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7. Мысык Д.Д., Рублева Л.И., Крутько И.Н., Левандовский В.Ю. Влияние структуры N-аренсульфонильного фрагмента на реакционность сульфохлоридов анилидов сульфокислот в условиях нейтрального гидролиза//Вопросы химии и химической технологии.-2004.- № 4.- С.39-42
8. Рублева Л.И., Максименко Н.Н. VII. Общая математическая модель каталитического сульфонилирования фенола// Журнал органической химии. – 2000. – т.36, вып.9.- С. 1338 – 1340.
9. Визгерт Р.В., Максименко Н.Н., Рублева Л.И. Особенности реакционной способности стерически затрудненных ароматических сульфохлоридов в реакциях нуклеофильного замещения// Укр. хим. журнал, 1993. – Т.59, №11.- С. 1219 – 1230.
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References on the internet sources

1. Автореферат магистерской диссертации:
"Разработка синтеза и исследование реакционности в реакции гидролиза аренсульфонил-метиламино-диметилбензолсульфохлоридов"

2. Автореферат магистерской диссертации:
"Исследование свойств биологически активных аренсульфонатов - продуктов обесфеноливания сточных вод"
Попова Л.А.

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