Tatyana Glushko

Tatyana Glushko

Faculty: Economy

Department of Economics and marketing company

Speciality: Enterprise Economy

Theme of master's work

Formation control subsystem staff development as a priority to improve the personnel management of the bank in transitive economy of Ukraine

Scientific adviser: Nadtoka Tatiana



"The goal of educating a child is to make it able to develop without the help of a teacher."

E. Hubbard

I was born on November 22, 1988 in the town of Krasnoarmeisk Donetsk region. I was the second gift for my parents, first has been born my brother - Eugene V. Glushko. At this stage it is important for me to gain strength and grow. Grow and be happy - that's what I'm here for. I am very grateful to my parents for their care and trying to make me happy. I had everything to develop. Parents gave me food, care. Then, they taught me: to roll, crawl, sit, stand, walk, talk, read, write - and it is thanks to my ability to learn fast. The most important skills for survival that I already have. My motto is "live in the present 'The concepts of" past "and" future "for me does not exist. Live now and enjoy life! Only one thing now - this moment. And the future and the past - this is a trap for the mind. Eventually, I learned how to use their intelligence to set goals and analyze past experiences, but still, most of the time I intend to pursue in the present moment. Since this is the only time you can do something to move towards your goals and take advantage of past experience. I went into the garden is very small, read-write learned at home, and in winter, when cold, and little kids walking on the street, I was not bored at home with adults or one with toys. I read children's books, encyclopedias, solve puzzles, crosswords, puzzles collected. Grandpa taught me how to play chess, checkers and dominoes. Mom to "control" the multiplication table, I went to school prepared.



"School is a workshop, where a thought of the younger generation, we must hold fast to it in your hands if you do not want to let go of the future."

A. Barbusse

In every person's life there are several important steps in school - one of them. The school I went to the age of 7. I really wanted to school, so schools play a big role in my life. I was fortunate to study at school № 5 in Krasnoarmeisk, ruled by the cult of expertise, employing the real masters, they taught me to boldly look into the future. I'm sure that'll make its way through life with determination and courage, because the school I was ready for it. School teaches us to communicate not only with peers but also with the older generation. School - our first education that is essential to continue to receive more in-depth knowledge. I love to learn, love to learn and discover something new and interesting in various fields of science. In my opinion, love of learning is a source of good-quality, good knowledge and most importantly - results. To me, it seems that a good knowledge of security depends on attention in class, effort and patience in carrying out independent, control, or what - any written work and diligence. In the primary school we learn to take, write, read, what we at this moment is so necessary. In high school we have in-depth study of each subject. Expand your horizons. Our school is very competent and experienced teachers who are able to interest students with his knowledge of the subject. We parted not only with the school, but since childhood. In the adult independent living will not be easy, since it is not always there will be a wise guide who will carefully listen, give advice. I will always remember their teachers with gratitude. We grew up in front of them, the teachers, our second family, they tactfully assisted to overcome obstacles, get rid of the disadvantages. They not only give knowledge, and taught humanity, understanding of life. From first grade I began attending a cultural center, where she was involved in various circles. Love for classical music led me to a music school in which I have successfully played the piano.

Participated in all sports competitions, Olympiads, took first place. Together with my classmates, I appeared on stage and participated in concerts, played in a team of KVN. Fascinated me, and acting. Statement on school holidays, a ruler, involved in the performances - all of it developed in my diction, ability to move about the stage, to feel and understand other people. Gradually growing up, my views have changed. I became interested in economics, history, literature and computer equipment. Later I became interested in marketing and management. 10 years passed quickly, it was time to determine his future profession. Working in a person's life plays a very important role. It is therefore necessary to choose their future profession. To decide, you must consider many factors - its ability, desire, psychological characteristics and needs of society. Informed career choices affect the future life, determines the success of self, socialization, career and professional growth. It is known that the school is in its conception should eliminate improper social selection, which arises because of non-identical initial conditions in human life. School basis for us, at least, given to everyone. Minimum, which allows you to enter into the world and compete on an equal footing with their peers. In this sense, the school as it pushes natural selection at a later date. In higher education a totally different situation. Higher education is not compulsory. Moreover, it in itself serves as a social "filter", in which the selection of personnel. There was autonomy, there are only the requirements that must be followed and standards that should be done. Otherwise, the person withdraws from the system, and the best students continue to climb the social hierarchy. Subsequently, among university graduates is unfolding competition in the labor market for jobs, which leads to the formation of multi-tiered competitive environment. Elementary school provides standardization and unification of students, making them suitable for the perception of more complex knowledge. University education system carries out the selection of "standardized" the subjects of those who will be able to enter the new qualitative level of development through the absorption of new, more complex knowledge.



... "All men are equally entitled to education and to enjoy the fruits of science."

Friedrich Engels

In the summer of 2006, I filed an application and successfully passed the entrance exams. I entered the Donetsk Institute of Entrepreneurship at the Faculty: Economics and Management, the specialty "Economic and legal support of business with in-depth study of regulatory and legal support." Still, despite the fact that economists, of course, requires knowledge of marketing, finance, computer science and communications, especially appreciated his organizational skills, ability to manage people. Any manager must possess: the ability to extrapolation, emotional and volitional influence, stability in a situation of uncertainty. I've got the skills to determine the prospective and current goals, confidence, responsibility, ability to think logically with advanced operations analysis and synthesis, the ability to decompose the problem into its constituent parts, the ability to resolve specific situations, make decisions quickly, clearly express thoughts, assign tasks to subordinates, tolerant of views, ideas, thoughts, and demands punctuality. To be competitive professionals need a good memory, creative imagination, intuition, concrete thinking, moderate emotionality, sociability, and more. It is with these qualities, I decided to connect his life. I received a bachelor's degree in Donetsk Enterprise Institute, with an average 4.85 ball. Participated in a student's scientific and practical conference DIP-2010 "Innovative entrepreneurship: the stages and prospects for development", "Creation and development of innovative household - the main way of providing self-employment of graduates and improve their welfare, scientific student conference on the results of research robots for 2009 year, the section "Problems of economic enterprise in the context of a global crisis." Win prizes. After IV year I decided not to rest on our laurels, has filed documents in the Donetsk National Technical University, where he successfully passed the entrance exams and became a master of the Faculty of Economics and Management, majoring in Business Economics. " Together with my supervisor, Nadtokoy Tatyana Borisovna was the theme of the final work: "Formation control subsystem development staff as a priority to improve the personnel management of the bank in transitive economy of Ukraine." After graduation, I will get professional leadership qualities - the socio-psychological and individual personality traits, which together ensure the success of the work on a particular managerial position.


Future Plans

Everyone thinks of what tomorrow will bring. And everyone wondering how to turn his life ... It appears to still perform New Year's resolutions, we should not demand the impossible from yourself, and understand what you really need. Generally, to be able to plan - it is very useful: discipline and the stimulates. My future I can share in the short and long term. In the near future I plan to finish the first Kyiv State foreign language courses and of course - is to defend a thesis master's fine. After all, it will be the result of my training. If we talk about long-term future, I plan to realize their dreams and achieve their goals. I hope to become a highly professional, and get the post of senior management. I do not want to stop there, because formal education will help me survive, and self-will lead to success. Through travel, I want to get acquainted with the world culture. I dream about the big and strong family.

"Never stop your self-educational work and do not forget that, no matter how much you may learn, no matter how much you may know, knowledge and education has no boundaries, no limits."

Rubakin NA


Quote Rubakin NA

"Never stop your self-educational work and do not forget that, no matter how much you may learn, no matter how much you may know, knowledge and education has no boundaries, no limits. "

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"Я не против учиться всю жизнь, но я против, чтобы меня всю жизнь учили"

Tatyana Glushko

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