Tatyana Glushko

Tatyana Glushko

Faculty: Economy

Department of Economics and marketing company

Speciality: Enterprise Economy

Theme of master's work

Formation control subsystem staff development as a priority to improve the personnel management of the bank in transitive economy of Ukraine

Scientific adviser: Nadtoka Tatiana

Summary on the final work


Modern business is growing, competition is growing, and as a result, organizations need to exert more efforts to actively develop and be successful. Along with a professionally organized process of selection and recruitment, its promotion, orientation and evaluation, one way to help generate new ideas for businesses to develop and introduce modern technologies and systems, as well as to prepare highly professional, success-oriented employees, is a system training. So, at some point before the head of personnel department of the company raises the question: how to teach? Refer to training companies? To form their own staff of qualified teachers who can most effectively adapt to different teaching methods and the specific needs of the company, in its own unique internal environment. Or to focus on mentoring and advising subordinates with line managers? Choosing the path depends on many factors: the goals and objectives that you set for learning, both direct and indirect cost of education, time allotted for training, participants (their skills, motivation, previous training), skills and competencies of teachers, and the size of the existing structure your company at last. We must understand that in addressing one-off training event results will not give. There should be a whole system, aimed at professional development and career specialists. This is a very important incentive for successful employee performance. Employees see opportunities for their professional and career growth. They are interested in the success of the company formed its potential.



The relevance of this direction of bank management, human resource management as a commercial bank is confirmed by both foreign and domestic experience. The study of current management practices in this sector shows that staff, as an object of management so far remained in the background. Unlike their foreign counterparts bank executives familiar with virtually no personal management as full part of the science system management of the company. Getting the same with the practical aspects of centralized management personnel, most bank managers are usually confined to experience a personal relationship with the personnel department at the previous place of work. It should be noted that much of the leadership (especially the lower and middle management) went to work at banks from other activities and had not yet fully understand the fundamentally different level of quality requirements for staff-bank financial institutions. Only in the mid 90s to executives of banks to the direction of personnel gradually began to grow. We should also note that the personnel policy of the organization is an effective way to overcome shortages. Thus, representatives of business and education is increasing talk about the need to implement a mentoring institute when businesses take the patronage of the universities, giving students a base for practical training, and then employ them. Companies should learn from the experience of Western firms that are active struggle for graduates. Taking them to work, the employer provides the possibility of a specialist in the organization for 10 years. At the same time adapting to the graduate college may take several months to two years. There is a perception that the specialist, "bought off" by the company, works better than those who came "from outside". Analyzing the problem we can say that from the security personnel of our economy and, above all, non-productive sectors, the quality of these frames depends largely on the socio-economic well-being of the country.


The purpose of master's work - to develop the program and plans for specific actions to improve the current management practices in a commercial bank.

The subject of this study is the result of social processes, and "staff development".

Research Methods - A comparative analysis of economic and statistical analysis, the study of the regulatory framework, the study of monographic publications and articles, analytical method, a systematic approach and forecasting.

The object of the study object of research is the management of bank staff.

Scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that there was further assessment methodology "of company personnel with regard to the banking sector."

The practical significance of the work is to study the system of vocational training, adaptation, career management and staff and the improvement in banking companies.

Testing results

The results were written in the article "Peculiarities of training of personnel qualifications" and were published in the scientific-practical conference of students and young scientists, "Economics and marketing in the XXI century".


Training and staff development are now required to be continuous and take place during the working life of the employee. The company's management should consider the costs of training as an investment in fixed assets, which allow the most efficient use of new technologies.

To be effective, lifelong learning is necessary that employees were interested in it. The Administration should increase motivation and create a climate conducive to learning.

Staff training is an important tool by which management is able to enhance human resource capacity and to influence the formation of organizational culture. Without timely training organizational changes make it difficult or impossible. Staff training is an essential tool to achieve the strategic goals of the organization.


Work undertaken to study the teaching staff as a factor in boosting production efficiency, has allowed the following conclusions:


1. Staff - is a strategic factor in determining the future of the organization. Qualification labor force with highly motivated labor - the main ongoing source of competitive advantage;
2. Labor potential employee - is it possible labor efficiency, its resource capabilities in the field of labor. In practice the potential is not always fully utilized;
3. The increasing role of learning in the process of improving the competitiveness of enterprises, organizational development and employment potential of workers due to three factors:

  • training is an essential tool to achieve the strategic goals of the organization;
  • training is an essential tool to add value to the organization of human resources;
  • without the timely training of the personnel carrying out organizational change greatly hindered or becomes impossible;


4. The system of education and training people in the organization will be effective only if it is closely connected with the major directions of work on personnel management system, stimulation of labor (salaries, bonuses, incentives, moral incentives, etc.), work with a reserve for executive positions, staff development programs;
5. There is a huge variety of educational programs for various categories of workers - from privates to senior management personnel. All the variety used in this learning methods can be divided into two groups: training outside the workplace;

  • job training;
  • reducing staff turnover;


6. strengthening commitment to the organization's staff;
7. Ensuring continuity in management;
8. attracting new staff;
9. formation of desirable patterns of behavior and an organizational culture conducive to the successful achievement of organizational goals.

  • It should be noted and negative aspects in the teaching staff. increasing costs for staff training;
  • contracts for training outside the workplace with the firm, which has more experienced and qualified personnel;
  • consideration of issues of contract with the consulting firm more responsive to the needs of the organization;
  • pay particular attention to the development of training programs of middle managers and increase their share in total, the number of students.



In writing this master of the abstract work is not completed yet. Final completion: January 2012 Full text of the materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his manager after that date.




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Quote Rubakin NA

"Never stop your self-educational work and do not forget that, no matter how much you may learn, no matter how much you may know, knowledge and education has no boundaries, no limits. "

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Tatyana Glushko

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