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    Соломка О.С.

Computer Sciences and Technologies Faculty

Computer engineering
Specialty: "Computer systems and networks"

Abstract [selected]

Theme of master's work:
"Synthesis and optimization of analog-digital systems models parameters"
Scientific advisor: Associate Professor,Ph.D Lapko V.V.
Search report

algorithms of any complexity, ie are significantly more flexible and suitable for a wide range of control tasks. In addition, the digital controllers due to virtually unlimited possibilities of logical processor can be implemented qualitatively higher order control processes, which is especially important in high-speed positioning systems read/write heads of the hard disk, because seek time mainly determines the time to access information on the disk.
Synthesized for continuous control (fig. 2.5) the possibilities of digital implementation is shown in fig.3.2.
In general the structure of the mixed hybrid mathematical model of the control system is shown in fig. 3.3.

Functional (a) and block diagram of a digital control system

Figure 3.1 Functional (a) and block diagram of a digital control system:
ADC analog to digital converter;
DAC digital to analog converter;
Wts (z) transfer function of the digital controller;
Wf (S) ekspolyatora transfer function of zero order;
Ts quantizer to analog signal in the system.


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