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    Соломка О.С.

Computer Sciences and Technologies Faculty

Computer engineering
Specialty: "Computer systems and networks"

Abstract [selected]

Theme of master's work:
"Synthesis and optimization of analog-digital systems models parameters"
Scientific advisor: Associate Professor,Ph.D Lapko V.V.
Search report

In the mathematical aspects of the system is represented as an amplitude-pulse system, in which ADC conventionally represented as an ideal pulse switch, and the signals ets and its are, which in float binary codes, submitted to the appropriate analog signals given by k-s times (kTs) the so-called lattice functions e * (kTs) and i * (kTs). quantization level is not taken into our veiw, because binary code at the ADC output has a large number of discharges and almost certainly represents the continuous signals e (t) and i (t) in the corresponding k-s time instants (tk = Ts, 2Ts, 3Ts, etc.). Period of issuance of a new control signal and the ADC input signal e (t) is given by the processor special timer and which an interrupt signal carried out in the transition to a new cycle of calculation and issuance of an object calculated in the processor control action. Processor speed is chosen in this way that during a given cycle management Ts, processor automatically completes all necessary calculations for the formation of a new control action
. Implemented in the processor algorithm for transforming an input sequence of numbers ets(kTs) to the output its(kTs) in the mathematical model is the corresponding discrete transfer function Wts(Z), which relates the discrete lattice function e * ( kTs) and i * (kTs). Link (Processor) realizing the transfer function Wts(Z) is called a digital filter or digital controller.
Discrete (digital) control system found in modern management systems wide usage due to the following benefits.
Pulse and digital circuits can provide higher fidelity and signal transduction. In addition, they have a smaller size, weight and cost. They are more reliable and less prone to interference. Finally, digital controllers can implement

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