DonNTU DonNTU masters portal
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    Ñîëîìêà Î.Ñ.

Computer Sciences and Technologies Faculty

Computer engineering
Specialty: "Computer systems and networks"

Abstract [selected]

Theme of master's work:
"Synthesis and optimization of analog-digital systems models parameters"
Scientific advisor: Associate Professor,Ph.D Lapko V.V.
Search report

Fig. 2.6 shows the dynamic performance of controlt system (figure 2.5) when developing the desired value of the angle of rotation Analysis of simulation experiments in general, confirmed the correct analytical results, performed for a model with a perfect differential link. The maximum error in a real device is 0,5%. In figure 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, shows the waveforms of the system under different sets of parameters  . Analysis of the results shows that the optimal values are Tg = 0.5 K = 0.8

Block diagram of compensation pole transfer function of the disk head Figure 2.1 Block diagram of compensation pole transfer function of the disk head: a) General block diagram; b) an equivalent transfer function of the channel “”.
Equivalent structure of the management system disk head
Figure 2.2 Equivalent structure of the management system disk head;
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