Theme of master's work: "Synthesis and optimization of analog-digital systems models parameters" Scientific advisor: Associate Professor,Ph.D Lapko V.V. |
3. Model design of digital control magnetic read / write head of hard disk. Bringing the hybrid control system. A promising direction in the technique of automatic control is the use of digital controllers based on microprocessor or personal computers with the appropriate expansion cards. In such systems, the circuit management system to be directly a digital device that must operate in real time, ie work at a pace that is necessary for good facility control. Simultaneously, the digital control unit should produce the desired effect specifying (eg ) and serve as a comparator produced by the error signal e (eg ). Quantization of a continuous signal f (t) the level and time (with the quantization step Ts) in the control system (fig. 3.1) by an analog-digital converter (ADC). At the ADC output signal is represented by a numerical code (ets). In this case, is formed by a sequence of numbers ets, recorded in digital code, binary system, whose code is equal to the signal e(t) and submitted a corresponding number of floating point operations. The processor in accordance with the control program prepared in consultation with the control algorithm performs on these numbers, arithmetic and logical operations in each cycle with a repetition period Ts (is well-fixed), issued in the form of an appropriate number of its its(kTs) control signal, which enters the digital-analog converter (DAC). DAC consists of a latch, which at the time Ts remembers its digital signal its(kTs) in each k-th cycle of the processor when forming the control action and decodes the digital code into an analog continuous signal its current its(t) – control signal of the rotary solenoid rotating mechanism read/write head of hard disk. |
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