DonNTU DonNTU masters portal
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    Ñîëîìêà Î.Ñ.

Computer Sciences and Technologies Faculty

Computer engineering
Specialty: "Computer systems and networks"

Abstract [selected]

Theme of master's work:
"Synthesis and optimization of analog-digital systems models parameters"
Scientific advisor: Associate Professor,Ph.D Lapko V.V.
Search report

Hence, the free movement of the rotary mechanism of the disk head represent damped during  sinusoidal oscillation with a period of about 0.2 sec. To improve quality and minimize the duration of transients when installing the heads on a given track of the disk, the control system disk head compensator is introduced in a complex conjugate poles of the transfer function of the disk head (fig. 2.1). If full payment of the poles of the transfer function equivalent to the disk head transfer function of compensator the disk head is simplified and reduced to integrating link:


To effectively manage the equivalent of an object can be used the simplest regulator-power (fig. 3.2).
Thus, the dynamics control system disk head if the compensator is described by the equation:


Consequently, the transients in the control system to control channel  described in full payment of the poles of the transfer functions of management:


It follows that in the control system there is only one real pole:

, where K the gain knob (fig. 2.2)
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