DonNTU DonNTU masters portal
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    Ñîëîìêà Î.Ñ.

Computer Sciences and Technologies Faculty

Computer engineering
Specialty: "Computer systems and networks"

Abstract [selected]

Theme of master's work:
"Synthesis and optimization of analog-digital systems models parameters"
Scientific advisor: Associate Professor,Ph.D Lapko V.V.
Search report
Equivalent structure of the management system disk head
Figure 2.2 Equivalent structure of the management system disk head;

K gain control; the desired angle of the disk head rotation;
  equivalent to the transfer function of the compensator and the disk head; e the error signal between the desired and the actual value of the angle of the disk head rotation ().

Structure of the ideal compensator of dynamic properties of the disk head
Figure 2.3 Structure of the ideal compensator of dynamic properties of the disk head:   Coefficients of the proportional component of the current management of the disk head

A mathematical model formed by the differential component - total current control head disc
Figure 2.4 Mathematical model formed by the differential component   total current control head disc:
transfer factor differentiating the real part ();
 real-time constant of the differentiating unit ()
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