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    Ñîëîìêà Î.Ñ.

Computer Sciences and Technologies Faculty

Computer engineering
Specialty: "Computer systems and networks"

Abstract [selected]

Theme of master's work:
"Synthesis and optimization of analog-digital systems models parameters"
Scientific advisor: Associate Professor,Ph.D Lapko V.V.
Search report

Consequently, the transfer function of the magnetic head via a "amperage/angle of turning" has the form:
The roots of the magnetic head are:


, where   Coefficient of damping;
Circular frequency of damped oscillations (rad / sec);
The general solution of the equation is:
Substituting in (1.12) values of the complex roots of (1.11) and adding it to a particular solution of K [1(t)], we obtain the transfer function of a magnetic head in the form:
, where
With initial conditions
, we find
Finally, the transition function can be written in the following
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